July 2016
> Yoga at the museum!
Relax amidst Gao Xingjian's art Yoga
> Andres Serrano
Uncensored photographs Exhibition
> David Altmejd
Giants Temporary installation
> Five Modern Masterpieces
in dialogue with the collections Digital experience
> #100Masters
(Re)discover the masterpieces of our Museums!
> 3 day workshop for children
NL only Educateam
Andres Serrano and contemporary American photography
Dutch only Amarant vzw
Guided visit "Andres Serrano. Uncensored photographs"
FR & NL only
> 3 day workshop for children
FR only Educateam
Slow Art with our masterpieces
FR & NL only #100Masters
Slow Art with our masterpieces
FR & NL only #100Masters