Nocturne Meunier Meunier Museum
Brussels Museums Nocturnes

Visit the house-workshop of the painter and sculptor Constantin Meunier. The creations of an artist inspired by industrial, political and social developments in Belgium at the end of the 19th century offer a realistic view of the world of work and industry.
This event is accesible upon reservation only! Subscribe for a "Meet the curator":
FR : 18.00 + 19.00
NL : 17.30 + 18.30
Brussels Museums Nocturnes: the 17th edition!
From 14 September to 7 December, every Thursday evening you'll be able to (re)discover at least 5 museums. The cultural wealth of Brussels will be on full display through exceptional guided tours, activities for young and old, startling animations in 68 museums.
The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium will participate on two occasions: the Meunier Museum will open its doors on the 21st of September, the Wiertz Museum on the 19th of October!
Reservation only!
Languages (fr&nl)
Meet the curator:
FR : 18.00 + 19.00
NL : 17.30 + 18.30
Musée Meunier Museum
Rue de l'abbaye 59
1050 Brussels
Free entry upon reservation