February 2023
Free guide
In Dutch and French only Free guided tour
Family event
Guided tour
Dotremont-les-logogrammes / Paul Cézanne - le monde dans une pomme
French only Midis du Cinéma
Visite guidée en langue des signes (FR)
Picasso & Abstraction Musée sur Mesure
A walk through the exhibition (FR/NL)
Picasso & Abstraction Guided tour
Picasso tribal ? Face to Face (FR)
Picasso & Abstraction Conference in French
Au rendez-vous des poètes (FR)
with Bruno Georis and Jean-Philippe Theyskens Conference
Masterclass 'Art nouveau en de collectie Gillion Crowet' (NL)
with Deeviet Caelen Conference & guided tour in Dutch
A walk through the exhibition (FR/NL)
Picasso & Abstraction Guided tour
Picasso & Abstraction Guided tour & workshop (6-12)
A walk through the exhibition (FR/NL)
Miradas de Mujeres - Isabelle de Borchgrave X Frida Kahlo Guided tour
Workshop kids
Miradas de Mujeres - Isabelle de Borchgrave X Frida Kahlo Guided tour & workshop
La domination et la norme
French Only Midis de la Poésie
Arcimboldo, portrait d'un audacieux
French only Midis du Cinéma
Broodje Brussel (NL)
Art Nouveau - De verzameling Gillion Crowet Guided tour in Dutch
Krokuskriebels (NL)
De liefde in de kunst Guided tour in Dutch
Krokuskriebels (NL)
Kijken zoals René Magritte Guided tour & workshop in Dutch
Krokuskriebels (NL)
Op reis! Guided tour in Dutch