October 2024
Free guide (FR/NL)
Free guided tour
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Visual Thinking Strategies (NL)
SOLD OUT Training
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
Sign language Musée sur Mesure
Explore the Magritte Museum (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Point of view(s) Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Visite pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (FR)
L’Ancien Testament à travers les collections du Musée Old Masters Musée sur Mesure
Meet the curator (FR) FULL
with Véronique Bücken Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff
Guided tour for individual visitors (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Guided tour for adults
Workshop expo (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour and workshop for children
Point of view(s) (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Broodje Brussel (NL)
Duo-duel: 19de en 20ste-eeuwse werken Guided tour in Dutch
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Hallo! Hallo? Halloween! (FR)
Kids & Family: Holiday Edition Guided tour for kids and family (ages 6 and up)