Within the framework of the 2021/2022 edition of the Europalia Arts Festival “Trains and Tracks,” the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium open with the exhibition Tracks to Modernity. The exhibition will explore the theme of the train and its impact on artistic creation, from impressionism to surrealism, and at its heart a dynamic creative space will be brought to life. 

This studio space will be conceived and brought to life by Cuscusian*s in collaboration with the Cultural Mediation Department, a core group of co-creators from the museum’s diverse departments, as well as diverse external contributors such as artists, children, teachers, youth, etc.  

By the end of 2019, different creative workshops had been carried out for the exhibition DaliXMagritte, and through the implementation of certain cultural mediation tools, visitors were invited to dream, invent, express themselves and share their own creations. Such spaces and tools were rooted in the methodology of the 4Cs (Cognize, co-Create, co-Construct, Celebrate) developed by artist Lluis Sabadell Artiga (Cuscusian*s). 



This year, we will once again follow this methodology in a hybrid form by mixing digital and face-to-face interactions.

Throughout the summer, an Instagram campaign, a photographic safari for adolescents living in various European countries, as well as activities carried out within schools, cultural and artistic associations will nourish the first of the 4Cs: Cognize. Contributions of simple actions, such as words, ideas and photos will offer multiple perspectives on the universe of trains. 

By the end of August, a co-Creation week is being programmed within the royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium to conceptualise the future creative space, fabricate prototypes and put it all to the test. 

In September, the step co-Construct will allow us to channel all the ideas into the materialization of a physical space and creative tools.

Freely accessible to anyone visiting the exhibition, this space and its resources will be inaugurated on October 15, hence concluding and Celebrating this project of co-creation. 



would you like to be a part of it?

You can capture and post one or several original close-up photos of any eye-catching detail of trains or train stations on Instagram with the mentions #zoomontracks, @FineArtsBelgium en @EUROPALIA.

You have until the 31st of August to participate and win a duo-ticket for the exhibition (the winner will be selected randomly)! You can also answer a simple questionnaire by clicking here: IDEAS ON TRACKS . It will take just a few minutes of your time.


Thank you in advance for your participation!


With the support of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Europalia Arts Festival and Maecenas circle.