Before and after ? Continuity or rupture ? Belgian art around World War I

2016 > 2018

Promotor(s) : Inga Rossi-Schrimpf

Researcher(s) : Laura Kollwelter

In the context of the commemorations of World War I, the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium have launched the project Before and after ? Continuity or rupture ? Belgian Art around World War I

This research project includes the results of an evaluation of the collections concerning the period between 1910 and 1925 which are presented in the exhibition ’14-18 – Rupture or Continuity’, as well as the organization of a preliminary symposium leading to a publication dedicated to the global evolution of Belgian art around World War I. The project also encompasses a detailed analysis of the archival fonds ‘De Graaff’. The about 400 letters written by Belgian artists to the Dutch patron are analyzed and presented during the symposium and in the publication. Furthermore, a database of the letters is developed in collaboration with the Archives of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (ARMFAB).