Submitting a loan application
The valorisation strategy for the art collection of the RMFAB includes the sharing of works of art through loans, predominantly for temporary exhibitions in Belgium or abroad.
When the conservation and security conditions are met, the RMFAB give hundreds of art works on loan to other museums and museological institutions. It’s the perfect opportunity to make our collection more known worldwide.
The loan application must be filed in writing with the Director General of the RMFAB, at least one year before the opening of the exhibition, to the following address:
Mr Kim Oosterlinck – General Director
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium – RMFAB
Museumstraat, 9 – 1000 Brussels
Please add a detailed list of the requested works as well as a synopsis of the exhibition and the presentation conditions to your application.
On receipt of the application, the Collection Registrar in charge of the follow-up will send a confirmation of receipt to the applicant. All applications are examined by our Loan Committee which meets 5 times a year to assess the scientific quality of the projects.
In accordance with the ICOM rules, all costs related to insurance, customs, packing and transport as well as all expenses related to preparations and convoying are at the expense of the borrower.
For further information, please contact
Mrs Valérie Haerden – Collection Registrar:
tel. +32 (0)2 508 32 42