Visite pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (FR)
Chef d’œuvre à la loupe : La tentation de Saint Antoine par Hieronymus Bosch Musée sur Mesure
Explore the Magritte Museum (EN)
SOLD OUT Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Matrimony Days (EN)
Without reserve: #7 artists of our heritage Guided tour
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Musée Magritte Museum Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Magritte Museum
Free guide (FR/NL)
Free guided tour
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
Sign language Musée sur Mesure
Explore the Magritte Museum (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Point of view(s) Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Visite pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (FR)
L’Ancien Testament à travers les collections du Musée Old Masters Musée sur Mesure
Meet the curator (FR)
with Véronique Bücken Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff
Guided tour for individual visitors (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Guided tour for adults
Workshop expo (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour and workshop for children
Point of view(s) (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Broodje Brussel (NL)
Duo-duel: 19de en 20ste-eeuwse werken Guided tour in Dutch
Rondleiding voor blinden en slechtzienden (NL)
Point of view(s). Moderne Kunst Museum op Maat
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Hallo! Hallo? Halloween! (FR/NL)
Kids & Family: Holiday Edition
Free guide (FR/NL)
Free guided tour
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Maarten Van Heemskerck, tussen Italië en de Nederlanden (NL)
Guided drawing tour (FR/NL)
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Point of view(s) Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Workshop expo (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour and workshop for children
Guided tour for individual visitors (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Guided tour for adults
Point of view(s) (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Guided drawing tour (FR/NL)
Visite pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (FR)
L’Opéra et la peinture. Regards croisés Musée sur Mesure
Explore the Magritte Museum (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Visite guidée en langue des signes (LSFB)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Musée sur Mesure
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
Sign language Musée sur Mesure
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Draft, Draw, Dream
SPECIAL DAY Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff
Broodje Brussel (NL)
De schets in al zijn staten Guided tour in Dutch
Guided tour for individual visitors (EN)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Guided tour for adults
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
Sign language Musée sur Mesure
Free guide (FR/NL)
Free guided tour
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Visite pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (FR)
Duo-Duels ou trios ! La collection moderne en dialogue Musée sur Mesure
Meet the curator (NL)
with Dominique Marechal Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff
Guided drawing tour (FR/NL)
Explore the Magritte Museum (EN)
with Chantal Clercx Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Point of view(s) Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Slow Art (FR/NL)
Workshop expo (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour and workshop for children
Guided tour for individual visitors (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Guided tour for adults
Point of view(s) (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Broodje Brussel (NL)
Voor eeuwig vergankelijk Guided tour in Dutch
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Explore the Magritte Museum (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Explore the Magritte Museum (EN)
with Jennifer Batla Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Workshop expo (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour and workshop for children
Guided tour for individual visitors (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Guided tour for adults
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
Sign language Musée sur Mesure
Explore the Magritte Museum (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Meet the curator (NL)
with Stefaan Hautekeete New presentation of old drawings
Guided drawing tour (FR/NL)
Visite guidée en langue des signes (LSFB)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Musée sur Mesure
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Musée Magritte Museum Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Magritte Museum
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Guided drawing tour (FR/NL)
Meet the curator (FR)
with Stefaan Hautekeete New presentation of old drawings
Guided tour for individual visitors (EN)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Guided tour for adults
Point of view(s) (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Broodje Brussel (NL)
De macht van het beeld Guided tour in Dutch
Explore the Magritte Museum (EN)
with Maïka Janssens Guided tour for adults
Magritte Museum
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Free guide (FR/NL)
Free guided tour
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Guided drawing tour (FR/NL)
Éloge de la Folie (FR)
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
Sign language Musée sur Mesure
Guided drawing tour (FR/NL)
Workshop expo (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour and workshop for children
Guided tour for individual visitors (NL/FR)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Guided tour for adults
Point of view(s) (FR/NL)
Guided tour for adults
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
> Stage pour enfants (FR)
Holiday workshop for children
> Stage voor kinderen (NL)
Holiday workshop for children
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
Sign language Musée sur Mesure
Éloge de la Folie (FR)
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Visit our museums as
Museum Shop
The Museum Shop is one of the most attractive art book stores in Brussels ... but is so much more th…
Back to school : take advantage of a free visit with your class!
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New presentation of old drawings, from October
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Rousseau" album by James Ensor. Results of the crowdfunding with KBR
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New Full Experience Surrealism ticket. Musée Magritte Museum + Expo IMAGINE
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Project ProvEnhance
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Publication of the catalogue of IMAGINE ! 100 Years of International Surrealism
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New: audioguides... to go!
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The Fin-de-Siècle Museum temporarily inaccessible
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Contribute to NEMO mapping of climate action by European museums
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A new step towards the inclusion of visually impaired people
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LEGO DREAMZzz Pays Tribute to René Magritte
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