The collection Gillion Crowet (EN)
Guided tour for adults with David Caelen Guided tour / BANAD Festival
The collection Gillion Crowet (FR/NL)
Visite pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (FR)
SOLD OUT Musée sur Mesure
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
SOLD OUT Musée sur Mesure
Éloge de la Folie (FR)
Guided tour in the Old Masters Museum [FR/NL]
Guided tour
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Drafts. From Rubens to Khnopff Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Broodje Brussel (NL)
David II Teniers en zijn tijd Guided tour in Dutch
Explore the Magritte Museum (EN)
Guided tour for adults with Anne-Catherine Denies
Magritte Museum
Free guide (FR/NL)
Free guided tour
Visite pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (FR)
Les fables de La Fontaine Musée sur Mesure
Explore the Magritte Museum (EN)
Guided tour for adults with Beau Vermote
Magritte Museum
Visite-découverte du Musée Old Masters (FR)
Visite guidée pour adultes par Nadine Chanvillard
> Stage voor kinderen (NL)
Stilte, we draaien! Holiday workshop for children
Magritte Museum
Midis du Cinéma (FR)
Art film screenings
Slow Art Day
Approches Mindfulness, immersions hypnotiques...
Promenades contées, promenades signées (FR/LSF)
Sign language Musée sur Mesure
Broodje Brussel (NL)
Absolute waarheden Guided tour in Dutch
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Musée Magritte Museum Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Magritte Museum
> Stage pour enfants (FR)
Les couleurs Holiday workshop for children
Magritte Museum
Free guide (FR/NL)
Free guided tour
Rondleiding voor blinden en slechtzienden (NL)
De val van Icarus van Bruegel tot Rubens Museum op Maat
Méditer aux Musées
Slow Art Experiences Slow Art
Explore the Magritte Museum (EN)
Guided tour for adults with Anne-Catherine Denies
Magritte Museum
Guided tour in the Old Masters Museum (NL)
Guided tour for adults with Jennifer Batla Guided tour
Broodje Brussel (NL)
A la mode: maken kleren de man en vrouw? Guided tour in Dutch
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Démons et merveilles/Verhalen in het museum/ Demons and wonders Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Free guide (FR/NL)
Free guided tour
Explore the Magritte Museum (EN)
Guided tour for adults with Beau Vermote
Magritte Museum
Visite-découverte du Musée Old Masters (FR)
Visite guidée pour adultes par Nadine Chanvillard Guided tour
Visite pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes (FR)
L’Opéra et la peinture. Regards croisés Musée sur Mesure
Happy Sunday! Kids & Family (EN/FR) or (EN/NL)
Look at Magritte! Chapeau Mr. Magritte! Kijken zoals René Magritte ! Bilingual guided tour for kids and family
Magritte Museum
Broodje Brussel (NL)
Leef/tijd of de kunst van het ouder worden Guided tour in Dutch
> Stage voor kinderen (NL)
Droom je eigen museum! Holiday workshop for children
> Stage pour enfants (FR)
Les couleurs Holiday workshop for children
Magritte Museum
Visit our museums as
Museum Shop

The Museum Shop is one of the most attractive art book stores in Brussels ... but is so much more th…
RMFAB at BANAD Festival: (Re)discover the Gillion Crowet collection!
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The giant apple is back on the roof of the Magritte Museum!
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A tribute to Isabelle de Borchgrave
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Return of the Storytelling Walks - Signed Walks!
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Art on Paper and the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium are joining forces
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Back to school : take advantage of a free visit with your class!
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New presentation of old drawings, from October
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Rousseau" album by James Ensor. Results of the crowdfunding with KBR
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New Full Experience Surrealism ticket. Musée Magritte Museum + Expo IMAGINE
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Project ProvEnhance
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Publication of the catalogue of IMAGINE ! 100 Years of International Surrealism
Published on 13.03.2024